A BONG by any other name is simply a BONG. RXDirect2u.com manufactures and sells high quality VAPORIZERS for the AROMATHERAPY, MEDICAL MARIJUANA and Recreational MARIJUANA Industry. Utilizing proven scientific principles, the RXDirect2U VAPORISER is calibrated to the optimal temperature ensuring the HEALTHIEST TOKE you could possibly have.

The RXDirect2U.com ELECTRIC VAPORIZER BONG was designed and perfected in Vancouver British Columbia Canada by professionals in the MEDICAL MARIJUANA VAPORIZER Industry. Concerned over the negative health implications of standard smoking and toking practices, RXDirect2U.com designed what was to become the BEST MEDICAL MARIJUANA VAPORIZER on the Market today.

If you don't smoke MARIJUANA, no worries, the RXDirect2U VAPORISER is a natural Health product which can be used in the Aroma Therapy arena as the Best ELECTRIC DIFFUSER you will ever find. Why take our word for it, check out http://www.rxdirect2u.com to read all about what makes our VAPORIZER so much different than anything else you will find in the VAPORIZER marketplace.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Although Vaporizers and Pipes do result in the same thing, the RXDirect2u.com Vaporizer IS NOT A PIPE by the traditional definition of a pipe. First of all, pipes allow oxygen into the combustion process creating smoke. A Vaporizer, on the other hand, is a sealed unit which prevents actual combustion. In essence, the Vaporizer heats up your product and creates a vapor leaving behind the harmful carcinogens.
Once again, THIS IS NOT A PIPE, it is a VAPORIZER

Monday, October 27, 2008

Doctor Tod H. Mikuriya, M.D. suggests Vaporizer

Welcome to the world wide web page of Tod H. Mikuriya, M.D.



DON'T SMOKE Marijuana;

Inhale Cannabinoids

The usual irritating and toxic breakdown products of burning utilized with smoking are totally avoided with vaporization. Extraction and inhaling cannabinoid essential oils below ignition temperature of both crude and refined cannabis products affords significant mitigation of irritation to the oral cavity, and tracheobronchial tree from pyrollytic breakdown products.

After reading the essay below, you may want to view a photo gallery and video on the Multimedia Vaporization subpage. Also, at the bottom of this page are links to vaporizers and vaporization information elsewhere on the web.

Vaporizing Cannabinoids- Inhaling Safely

Phytoinhalation- non burning ingestion of active principles

The usual irritating and toxic breakdown products of burning utilized with smoking are totally avoided with vaporization. Extraction and inhaling cannabinoid essential oils below ignition temperature of both crude and refined cannabis products affords significant mitigation of irritation to the oral cavity, and tracheobronchial tree from pyrollytic breakdown products.

Herodotus first described vaporizing cannabinoids in the 5th century BC:

”The Scythians then take the seeds of this hemp and, creeping under the mats, they throw them on the red hot stones; and, being so thrown, they smolder and send forth so much steam that no Greek vapor bath could surpass it. The Scythians howl in their joy at their vapor-bath. This serves them instead of bathing, for they never wash their bodies with water.”[i]

Purified cannabinoids were noted to boil at 150° - 180° C. (302° - 356° F) by Wood, Spivey, and Easterfield (J Chem S, v lxix, 539) in the 20th Ed. 1918 U.S. Dispensatory.[ii]

Red oil, an extractive product from organic solvents and filtration, was described by Adams in 1940 to boil at 180° - 190° C. (356° - 374° F)[iii]

The Merck Index lists the boiling point of delta 1 Tetrahydrocannabinol as 200° C (392° F)[iv]

The author first recommended vaporizing cannabinoids in 1993[v] with the observation that vaporizing cannabinoids takes place below ignition temperature with much less exposure to the numerous breakdown products of burning. Vaporizers, a video was published in 1999, updated 2002 documenting different devices in use.[vi]

Gieringer in a two part study compared vaporized cannabis with smoked cannabis and different smoking devices and found vaporizers to be free from tars or other breakdown products of combustion.[vii]
The Superior Vaporization Technique McCoy TR[viii] in a thoroughly documented description of using the Vripmaster vaporization device utilizing different adjustable heat guns.

June 2000 at the International Cannabinoid Research Society meeting Oakland Cannabis Buyers Cooperative director Jeff Jones demonstrated a Vripmaster /Steinel HG3002LCD heat gun.

Classic Pharmaceuticals sponsored the first vaporizer contest in Redway on November 11, 2000 with eight entrants and minimal publicity.

Regarding the use of thermostatically controlled heat gun devices, patients report positive feedback regarding efficacy and prefer to smoking cannabis. Instead of losing drug to combustion, which continues after inhalation, the heat gun is turned off and the vaporization halted.

The freedom from breakdown products of burning permits appreciation of aromas and tastes of cannabis. Hot air essential oil extraction process from granulated crude cannabis appears to be the most efficient and temperature controllable. Furthermore, there are significant changes in the composition and rate of vaporization with the increase in temperature. Delicate and distinctive aromas and tastes at the lower temperatures change in character and intensity as temperature increases. For product description it will be appropriate to characterize first aroma, second taste, and psychic effects.

While the Merck Index lists delta 1, 9THC as vaporizing at 392° F, the actual subjective experience is that the vaporization of cannabinoids is a function of temperature and amount. While delta 1, 9 THC may vaporize at that temperature the other cannabinoids go into vapor phases at temperatures significantly below.

Starting at room temperature in a bud trimming room with significant exposed crude cannabis affects me and others not adapted to ambient levels of cannabis vapor. With granulated crude cannabis supplemented with condensed refined resin vaporization takes place at lower temperatures. (190 - 200° F).

Using a Vriptech with a Steinel HG 3002LCD at 360° F appears optimal. Between 360° and 390°F there appears to be irritative pyrollytic degradation products out gassing. There is agreement with users at the 390° F and above there are pyrollytic.

I would strongly recommend that all cannabis centers utilize vaporization to screen and categorize products to better detect pesticide residues or other contaminants.

These cannabis tasters would also better characterize the qualitative properties of the samples and give feedback to the provider as well as inform the customers.

In addition to protecting customers it gives providers quality standards. Similarly, all cannabis cup competition organizers should be encouraged to vaporize the products to permit a more complete and sophisticated description of competing products.

Vaporization constitutes a salient breakthrough in cannabis therapeutics because of safety and avoiding the other disadvantages of smoking cannabis. Additionally, the complexities from the enhanced appreciation of tastes and aromas adds aesthetic dimensions to cannabis products that are obscured by smoking. Improvement of health in marijuana smokers who ingest high impurity product in large amounts appreciate inhaling cannabinoids instead.

Clinical and chemical analysis of vapor from crude cannabis at different temperatures to define and quantify mixtures of cannabinoids and other products is needed. This research will provide empirical bases for optimal medicinal efficacy of different cultivars for specific symptoms inhaled at specific temperatures.

Environmentally, vaporization systems are safe and acceptable in a non smoking environments. The high quality heat guns are essentially the similar to hair dryers and will be suitable for use in hospitals and other health care settings. With proper technique there are minimal emissions compared with smoking.

Semantically, inhaling cannabinoids permits one to self-righteously and honestly say: Me, smoke marijuana? Never.

Tod H. Mikuriya


[i] Kimmens AC Tales of Hashish William Morrow & Co NY 1977 Herodotus, histories iv. 73-75 (5th Century B.C.) 270 – 271.

[ii] Remington, JP, Wood, HC, et al The Dispensatory of the United States 20th Ed. 1918 pp 276 281.

[iii] Adams R, Marijuana NY Acad of Med v 18, 1943 Reprinted Marijuana Medical Papers, 1839 - 1972 Ed Mikuriya, TH MediComp Press 1973 345 - 374

[iv] The Merck Index 12th Ed Merck & Co. Whitehouse Station, NJ 1996 p 1573

[v] Mikuriya, TH Vaporization of Cannabinoids: A Preferable Drug Delivery Route mir.drugtext.org/druglibrary/schaffer/hemp/vaporize.htm 12/16/93

[vi] Cannabis Vaporizers video Classic Pharmaceuticals – Godfrey Productions 1999 5min 15 seconds. Presented at First National Clinical Cannabis Therapeutic Conference, Iowa City, 2000 and Biorresouces Hemp 2000, Wolfsburg Germany.

[vii]Gieringer, D Newsletter of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
MAPS - Volume 6 Number 3 Summer 1996, Update NORML News Jan 11, 2001

[viii] McCoy TR The Superior Vaporization Technique 1998 10 pp www.vriptech.com rev 4/20/00 ©1998 VripTech Int. 1998

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Vaporizer Art
By cantabis
As a swimmer, my lungs are very important to me, and for the past two years, I only used my roommate's vape for consuming the herb. We've both become vapor fanatics, and are both pros at getting that perfect hit (VaporBrothers non ...
Cannabis.com Forums Message Boards... - http://boards.cannabis.com
Increasing Demand of Vaporizer Brothers
By admin
The Vapor Brothers vaporizer is the innovative vaporizer which is one of its kinds. It makes use of hot air to take out the concentrate of your aromatic plants and necessary oils exclusive of burning. This permits you to obtain all the ...
GSM & Mobile Phones - http://www.gsmpayphone.com
Vaporizer Hash (pics)
Forum: Recreational Marijuana Use Posted By: whitewarrior Post Time: 10-04-2008 at 10:33 PM.
Grasscity.com Forums - http://forum.grasscity.com
Asthma - How to Participate in Managing Your Asthma — by FRANCIS ADAM
By admin
In every patient the message must be clear: "You must stop smoking." The best herbal vaporizers from across the globe. Use a vaporizer to inhale your herbs and feel the health benefits by using volcano vaporizer.
Free Articles - http://www.126126.info
Honeywell Vicks Waterless Scent Pads
By Xtreme Shoppers(Xtreme Shoppers)
Features: -6 pack of Vicks scent pads -Use in Vicks waterless vaporizer or Vicks VaporSteam inhaler -Also fits Sunbeam; Halls, Evenflo, Vapor-eze, and Plug In vaporizers These scent pads are used in Vicks vaporizers and inhalers. ...
All Household Store - http://allhouseholdstore.blogspot.com/

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Comment on Vaporizer Works in Water Glass by docca
By docca
It's like those portable water heaters, the ones that are just a heater coil encased in aluminum with an AC plug tacked to it. Most of the really cheap ones will even have exposed contacts on top as a bonus if you wiggle the wire a bit… ...
Comments for Modern Mechanix - http://blog.modernmechanix.com
TOMCO CO? Vaporizer FS-WV-60-DP For Sale, Used TOMCO CO? Vaporizer ...
Vaporizer FS-WV-60-DP For Sale - Online marketplace for used TOMCO CO? Vaporizer FS-WV-60-DP and surplus TOMCO CO? Vaporizer FS-WV-60-DP. Search for sale and wanted classifieds ads for used and surplus TOMCO CO? Vaporizer FS-WV-60-DP on ...
Kitmondo.com - The fastest way... - http://www.kitmondo.com
selling vaporizer
By charrington
in the the bay area. it's da buddha vaporizer, working in excellent condition with 2 years, 11 months years on the warranty. i cannot sell you a wand but you can get them for as little as $15.99. just post here or PM me. ...
Cannabis.com Forums Message Boards... - http://boards.cannabis.com
New Vapor Brothers Vaporizer and RooR Vape Milkshot
Forum: Recreational Marijuana Use Posted By: ChimpX Post Time: 10-03-2008 at 10:12 PM.
Grasscity.com Forums - http://forum.grasscity.com
How to Create the Right Atmosphere for Aromatherapy Massage?
By admin
A more sophisticated method is to use an oil burner or vaporizer. These come in many different designs, but with oil burners there is no need to use any water. You just put a few drops of essential oil into the top of the burner, ...
Free Articles - http://www.126126.info

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Friday, October 3, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google News Alert for: vaporizer

Why Some Women Hate Sara Palin
It's an admiration vaporizer. (Of course a candidate can't be too ugly, or it will scare the men, who are clearly shallow as a gender.) 2. ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Digital Vaporizer- A Fabulous Device
By admin
Digitalization of the vaporizer is virtually a peak in the vaporization technology. The quality of vaporization has culminated like anything with the digital vaporizer coming in to the market. And more wonderful is the fact that no ...
Free Articles - http://www.126126.info
Vapir OXYGEN Mini Vaporizer: A Smoke Vaporizer
By admin
The brand new vaporizer in the class of smoke vaporizer is the new Vapir pen-sized vaporizer which is meeting the requirements of the people. Some of the features of the Vapir Pen-Sized Vaporizer have been discussed below to reveals ...
Youth & Teen Problems - http://www.mttaboryouth.org
Volcano Vaporizer - How To Use Volcano Vaporizers
VaporStore.com Volcano Vaporizer how to use the Volcano Vaporizer. We offer the best price on the Volcano Vaporizer which includes either a FREE Case or FREE 2nd Day Volcano Vaporizer Shipping!
Revver Media RSS - http://revver.com
Best, affordable vaporizer?
Forum: Toke N Talk Posted By: northerncaligrown Post Time: 10-02-2008 at 09:50 PM.
Marijuana Growing - http://www.rollitup.org
Water vaporizer?
By bipsychle
So i see people with their vapes hooked up to their bongs and bubblers. How does this work? If vapor is a gas (like condensation right?) wouldn't it just get caught up in the water. I would think you would just end up inhaling air.
Grasscity.com Forums - http://forum.grasscity.com


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google News Alert for: vaporizer

Despite recall and warnings, Utah parents cling to cold medicines ...
Salt Lake Tribune - United States
For a stuffy nose, use saline nose drops to thin nasal discharge and a cool-mist humidifier or vaporizer to moisten the air and clear nasal passages. ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Herbal Vaporizer ?An Alternative Method of Smoking
By admin
Vaporizers are not just meant for smoking. This system is also used for medical or health purposes. Take for example marijuana which is suggested to the people for more than one reason. It has many active elements that are required for ...
Free Articles - http://www.126126.info
Pros and Cons of BC Vaporizer
By admin
The key features of the BC Vaporizer are the Price and the Portable Design which makes it popular. The best thing about the BC Vaporizer is its decent price which is very much affordable. The retail price of the BC Vaporizer is 130.20$ ...
Music ~FacesTheBand - http://www.facestheband.com
For those that ask Volcano vs Silver Surfer Vaporizer
By ricky1
I have used this silver surfer about 10 times and plan on selling it go get a digital volcano vaporizer. The hits are always constant, you know when to smoke, when to stop, etc. Nothing can beat it. If anyone in Canada (vancouver) wants ...
Marijuana.com - http://www.marijuana.com
Volcano Vaporizer - Quit Smoking & Vaporize
By rss@LiveVideo.com (vaporstore)
VaporStore.com Quit Smoking with the Volcano Vaporizer. We offer the best price on the Volcano Vaporizer which includes either a FREE Case or FREE 2nd Day Volcano Vaporizer Shipping! Author: vaporstore ...
livevideo :: People Videos - http://www.livevideo.com
Sports Fitness Training :: User-friendly Vapir vaporizer for your ...
When it comes to enjoying your favorite herb, vaporizers are the best bets. Now with online purchase made possible, you can easily order vaporizer of your choice online and avail discounts plus home shipping. This is definitely a great ...
Sports Blogs :: All Sports, All... - http://sportsblogs.org

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google News Alert for: vaporizer

Proposed garbage vaporizer's capacity in St. Lucie scaled back ...
Fort Pierce Tribune - Fort Pierce,FL,USA
By Eric Pfahler (Contact) ST. LUCIE COUNTY — Atlanta-based Geoplasma Inc. is proposing a huge cutback in the scope of its trash vaporizing project planned ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Showtime Series WEEDS VaporBrothers Vaporizer www.VaporStore.com
By vapor store
www.VaporStore.com offers the VaporBox Vaporizer, VaporBrothers Vaporizer and VaporTower Vaporizer as seen on Showtime Series WEEDS.
Sharkle's Video - http://www.sharkle.com/
Digital Mystifire Vaporizer available at VaporNation, the ...
By VaporNation
Check out the latest addition to VaporNation's vaporizer range - the Mystifire Vaporizer. Mystifire Vaporizer is an extremely stylish vaporizer with chrome finish. It comes with a dual control of fan speed and temperature. ...
VaporNation Blog - http://www.vapornation.com/blog
Showtime WEEDS and Vapor Brothers Vaporizer VaporStore.com
By rss@LiveVideo.com (vaporstore)
www.VaporStore.com offers the VaporBox, VaporBrothers and VaporTower Vaporizer as seen on Showtime Series WEEDS. Author: vaporstore Keywords: vaporbrothers weeds vaporizer showtime vaporbox vaporwarez Added: Wed, 01 Oct 2008 15:58:22 ...
livevideo :: Entertainment Videos - http://www.livevideo.com
Volcano Vaporizer - Prefect Gift for the Holidays Volcano Vaporizers
VaporStore.com Volcano Vaporizer is a perfect gift for that smoker. We offer the best price on the Volcano Vaporizer which includes either a FREE Case or FREE 2nd Day Volcano Vaporizer Shipping!
Revver Media RSS - http://revver.com
Introducing the Dark Coffee Vapor Brothers Hands Free Vaporizer
By Vaporizer Master
This is the same great, classic box style Vapor Brothers vaporizer in an exciting new color. As with both Natural Vaporbrothers Vaporizers, the new Dark Coffee Hands Free Vaporizer features the only 100% natural ceramic mineral heater. ...
Vaporizer Blog - http://www.vaporwarehouse.com/blog

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Vapor Brothers Meakes It Debut Performance on Weeds
By Vaporizer Master
For those of you that caught the Season 4 finale of Weeds on Showtime, that was in fact a Vaporbrothers Vaporizer being used by Kevin Nealon. The Vapor Brothers Vaporizer made it debut performance on the episode entitled "If You Work ...
Vaporizer Blog - http://www.vaporwarehouse.com/blog
A Look at the Extreme Vaporizer
By VaporizerGuy
I just reviewed the Extreme Vaporizer, and what a beauty she is. Some of the features which really shine are the really nice LCD display, the remote control and the great smooth taste. Right now, I think this is my favorite vaporizer. ...
VaporizerGuy.com - http://www.vaporizerguy.com
The Volcano Vaporizers: Details And Functions
By admin
Among the very few vaporizers, the volcano vaporizers are the most effective vaporizers that provide the freedom of the movement while 'smoking'. The original balloons used in this can be used to provide this unmatched freedom. ...
Business Blog - http://www.cthf.org
My Father
By Mikeebud
Hey guys, Im just wondering a view things about the vaporizer. I know that vapping is alot healthier then Smoking. And My dad doesn't really like pot, He finds that it drags him down. Hes a hash/oil guy, because it doesn't get to his ...
Marijuana.com - http://www.marijuana.com
volcano vaporizer mode enabled posted a photo:
By nobody@flickr.com (volcano vaporizer mode enabled)
volcano vaporizer mode enabled posted a photo:
Uploads from volcano vaporizer... - http://www.flickr.com/photos/plasma_slugs/

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

By Suzanne(Suzanne)
My new Vicks Vaporizer is a wonderful thing. Because I have asthma, any respiratory ailment sets up residence in my lungs and it takes forever to . . . ehm . . . clear things out, shall we say. My Gift brought home Vicks Vaporizer the ...
:: Adventures in Daily Living :: - http://adventuresindailyliving.blogspot.com/
Cheap Vaporizers: Saving The cost
By admin
If a person is in a situation that he wanted to purchase a vaporizer but because of the high cost he is not able to get it, then the cheap vaporizer can be the best option for him. The price of the Cheap Vaporizer is even less than the ...
Beach Travel - http://www.spaziobeach.com
VaporBrothers Vaporizer
By jordan
VaporBrothers Vaporizer. VaporBrothers Vaporizer.
The News is NowPublic.com - Photos,... - http://www.nowpublic.com/developing?filter=footage&order=recent
Bong Videos Vape-Bong aka Vaporizer Bong 101
Bong Videos Vape-Bong aka Vaporizer Bong 101 Duration: 00:03:35 View: 3092, A day in the life of a marijuana user. One session.
2Pot.net - http://2pot.net/
CSI Miami: 132 - Guerillas in the Mist - Sunday, October 5, 2008 ...
When three gun smugglers are killed by a lethal weapon called "The Vaporizer," which can pump out 100000 rounds a minute, the CSI team must not only track down the killer, but find the gun before it's sold to the wrong people. ...
AETV.com - Weekly Listings for... - http://www.aetv.com/listings/weekly.do

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

By freeweed420
Ok so becoming conscience about my lungs I was thinking about buying a vaporizer. I currently smoke about 2 blunts and numerous bowls a day so I was thinking my lungs must be hurting ( I know this from when I run around) haha but ...
YaHooka Forums - http://www.yahooka.com/forum
Portable Vaporizers?
By chunkyluver55
Hi, I'm looking into buying a portable vaporizer. I was thinking maybe the vapolution vaporizer or maybe the vapir cordless vaporizer. Any suggestions?
Stoner Forums - A Marijuana Friendly... - http://www.stonerforums.com/lounge
Addition of Kannastor Grinder to The Vapor Warehouse
By admin
These were known to be the 2 top most brands of the market and after the collaboration of Kannastor with volcano vaporizers, they dominated the market. These companies provide the invaluable feature in their products. ...
Security Alarms - http://www.fourstaralarm.com
By volcano vaporizer mode enabled
volcano vaporizer mode enabled posted a photo:
Uploads from volcano vaporizer... - http://www.flickr.com/photos/plasma_slugs/
ProJect GENESIS #2 (Vaporizer Blueprint) explained
By mrsgt99
Questions and answers audio about magnetic fuel saving devices. Author: mutinest216 Keywords: economy efficiency efficient energy engine fuel fuelbest fueled fuelefficientcars fuelsaver fuelsavers gadget gallon ...
Gadget Freak - http://www.gadgetfreak.tv

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google News Alert for: vaporizer

Online vaporizer store, VaporNation, recently set up its first ...
PR.com (press release) - Levittown,NY,USA
The Trade Show, which took place at the Riviera Convention Center from March 4 to March 6, served as a great platform to launch the new high vaporizer ...
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VaporNation Announces Reward Points Program for Online Purchases
PR.com (press release) - Levittown,NY,USA
VaporNation, the online vaporizer store, has launched a reward points program for all customers. Under the program, 10 points will be awarded to the buyer ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Cosmic Space Case Herb Grinders at Vapor Warehouse
By Vaporizer Master
... from: the 2 piece pocket grinder, the 4 piece 2″ grinder, and the 4 piece 3.5″ grinder. Based on Space Case technology, these herb grinders are proudly made in the USA Pick up one today for use with your Vapor Brothers Vaporizer. ...
Vaporizer Blog - http://www.vaporwarehouse.com/blog
Vaporizers: Reviews and Related Information
By admin
Knowing about the vaporizer reviews is the most interesting and innovative thing for a person. For this purpose the pros and cons of the volcano vaporizers have been discussed in this article. The best thing about the vaporizer is that ...
Business and Finance - http://www.mccormickfordekalb.com
By sora(sora)
Use a cool-mist vaporizer to relieve cough and to soothe breathing passages. Clean the vaporizer each day to prevent mold from growing. Avoid hot-water or steam vaporizers that can cause accidental burns and scalds in children. ...
Life is Precious - http://healthy2life.blogspot.com/
Fuel vaporizer - fuel saving devices
By noreply@blogger.com (ilham)
fuel saving devices. The Fuel vaporizer (pvc version) installed in a Nissan Primera. source: http://www.lawbright.com/energy/vapor.htm fuel saving devices.
fuel saving devices - http://fuel-saving-devices.blogspot.com/
Celebrated my 22nd birthday today.
By Wicked
Well, I spent the night drinking with some friends and family, then my cousin gave me a vaporizer, my dad gave me some more pot, and I smoked from a vaporizer for the first time. I love it. I just thought I'd share this, ...
Marijuana.com - http://www.marijuana.com

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google News Alert for: vaporizer

VaporNation Sets-up Its First Ever Booth at the CHAMPS Trade Show ...
PR-USA.net (press release) - Varna,Bulgaria
Online vaporizer store, VaporNation, recently set up its first ever products booth at the word renowned CHAMPS Trade Show in Las Vegas. ...
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VaporNation Announces Reward Points Program for Online Purchases
BigNews.biz (press release) - Natick,MA,USA
A venture of Better Life Products, Inc., VaporNation is an online vaporizer superstore offering all popular brands of vaporizers, vaporizer accessories, ...
See all stories on this topic
Vaporizer Health Benefits Highlighted in VaporNation Article
PR-CANADA.net (press release) - Murino,Montenegro
In a drive to spread awareness about vaporizers and the benefits of using them, online vaporizer superstore, VaporNation (http://www.vapornation.com), ...
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Domestic disturbances, dangerous drugs, disappearing drinks
Montana Kaimin - Missoula,MT,USA
This time, they found a student smoking out of a vaporizer, along with .7 grams of marijuana. The student was cited for criminal possession of dangerous ...
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Key Tronic grabs big new client
Spokane Journal of Business - Spokane,WA,USA
... been offering health-care and home-environment products since founder Max Katzman invented the world's first electric vaporizer more than 80 years ago. ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Vapir Mini Oxygen Vaporizer 2.0 on lowest prices at VaporNation
By VaporNation
Vapor Mini Oxygen 2.0 Vaporizer VaporNation now offers the absolute lowest prices with attractive discounts on many popular portable vaporizers. If you are looking for Vapir Mini Oxygen Vaporizer 2.0, you have come to the right place. ...
VaporNation Blog - http://www.vapornation.com/blog
Portable Vaporizers Sale Announced by Vaporizer Superstore ...
Online vaporizers superstore, VaporNation is offering portable vaporizers at discounted rates. All popular brands, in addition to accessories, grinders and much more, are available at guaranteed lowest prices. ...
SANEPR: Entertainment - http://www.sanepr.com/
Reviews of BC Vaporizer
By admin
The most affordable vaporizing which is available nowadays is the BC Vaporizer. This is also very much easy in use as it has the facility of the simple heating element which can be easily plugged into the power point. ...
Smart Shopping - http://www.chirosmartwebs.com
Vaporizer Instructions
By admin
... Instructions for using Vapor Box; Instructions for using Vaporizers; Herbal Aire Instructions; Vapir Vaporizer; Hot Box Instructions; Vapolution Vaporizer Instructions; Volatizer Vaporizer; Volatizer 3 Vaporizer.
VaporNation Articles - http://www.vapornation.com/articles
Hands free vaporizer
By SamDiesel
and my second and last question, does it make a difference when buying the hands free vaporizer for 120$-150$ from a well known company like vaporbrothers compared to the ones that cost 50-70$ off ebay? Thanks in advanced!
420 Magazine - http://www.420magazine.com/forums

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google News Alert for: vaporizer

Portable Vaporizers Sale Announced by Vaporizer Superstore ...
Free Press Release Center (press release) - Toronto,Canada
Online vaporizers superstore, VaporNation is offering portable vaporizers at discounted rates. All popular brands, in addition to accessories, grinders and ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Digital Volcano Vaporizer w/ Easy Valve Set
By VaporNation
Welcome to VaporNation.com, an online vaporizer superstore for all top-quality vaporizers and accessories. The store brings you one of the most advanced vaporizers available in today's market – the Digital Volcano Vaporizer. ...
VaporNation Blog - http://www.vapornation.com/blog
For Sale OHMEDA Tech 5 Isoflurane Vaporizer
TEC 5 Iso for 700 and it is a fresh rebuild, certified with a 3 yr warranty.
DOTmed.com - http://www.dotmed.com/
Just an idea: Vaporizer Bong?!
By flyingimam
Are there any devices out there that are mix of vaporizer and a water bong? meaning getting a bong type of hit, but the heating be provided by a vape system? if yes could u please provide some hint to or name of the items? thanks:) ...
Cannabis.com Forums Message Boards... - http://boards.cannabis.com
My New Vaporizer
Forum: Recreational Marijuana Use Posted By: vikingkory Post Time: 09-25-2008 at 05:51 AM.
Grasscity.com Forums - http://forum.grasscity.com
Vapor Brothers Whip–It Really Works
By admin
The Vapor brother's hands free vaporizer in the company of ceramic (natural stone) heating constituent is the world's most well-liked vaporizer. Place the hands free whip on the natural stone heating constituent and it will clutch in ...
Medical Health Care - http://www.aeromedi.com

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Volatizer 3 Vaporizer
By admin
The Volatizer 3 vaporizer is not only a revolutionary but also an evolutionary vaporizer. Its efficiency and performance exceed others in terms of functionality and competence. Its easy to use design and cutting edge vaporization ...
VaporNation Articles - http://www.vapornation.com/articles
New Awesome Vaporizer
By admin
The other day me and a few friends were looking at some really cool vaporizers on the net. We could not decide on what vaporizer to get, We deiced that it be best to all chip in money and get the best vaporizer around. ...
Buzzed The Net - http://www.buzzedthenet.com
How to use Ivape Vaporizer?
By Boomba_Star
I just recently received my ivape vaporizer and I was wondering how to use the thing. It does state that it works in 4 minutes. So, does that mean i pack the herb and insert it into the vaping thing and wait 4 minutes...then smoke it? ...
420 Magazine - http://www.420magazine.com/forums
Vaporizers and Smoking
By admin
This device is nothing but a vaporizer. Vaporizers are so designed that a person can easily inhale the fumes of the herb or marijuana which is burnt inside the chamber of the vaporizer and does not harm the body of the inhaling person. ...
Author Rebecca - http://www.rwday.net
What is the high like?
By Backpacker420
I might be coming across some extra money and might invest in a nice vaporizer. What is a single hit off a vaporizer like? Is it a more concentrated hit than say a bowl or bong? I ask because I am a lightweight, one rip on a bowl makes ...
Marijuana.com - http://www.marijuana.com

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google News Alert for: vaporizer

Portable Vaporizers Sale Announced by Vaporizer Superstore ...
BigNews.biz (press release) - Natick,MA,USA
Almost all popular brands of portable vaporizers are available. Owned by Better Life Products, Inc., VaporNation is one of the Internet's foremost vaporizer ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Silver Surfer Vaporizer
By admin
These days, silver surfer vaporizers are regarded as the best kind of vaporizers that are available in the market as an alternative to smoking. It has now become very difficult for the people to choose from the various numbers of ...
Travelling by Richard Elloyan - http://www.richardelloyan.com
Help vaporizer shopping
By bzullig
I'm about to make a purchase on a manual vaporizer for indoor smoking, and am undecided as to which unit I should purchase. While I'm sure they both work nicely, is there anybody who has experience with both Eagle Bill's Shake n' Vape ...
Grasscity.com Forums - http://forum.grasscity.com
Portable Vaporizers Sale Announced by Vaporizer Superstore ...
By admin
VaporNation (http://www.vapornation.com), a leading online vaporizer superstore offering all popular brands of vaporizers, accessories and much more, is now offering portable vaporizers at guaranteed lowest rates. ...
VaporNation Articles - http://www.vapornation.com/articles
Vaporizer Accessories -surveillance It Erst
Purchase a vaporizer is very unstrained but safekeeping it safe is not that often unforced. What is more working it safely is a instance writer delicate chore….
Weigh loss, nutrition - http://www.89.letsplay.pl
1966 Mustang Sprint 200 Convertible
By jgidley12@embarqmail.com
Motor runs extremely smooth with the new Pony Carb Vaporizer 1100 carburetor and Pertronix plug wires. New owner could buff out the white paint or sand and refinish with the original candyapple red with black accent stripes. ...
All Ford Mustang Classifieds - http://www.allfordmustangs.com/pp-classifieds

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Monday, September 22, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Portable Vaporizers Sale Announced by Vaporizer Superstore â ...
VaporNation is offering portable vaporizers at discounted rates. All popular brands, in addition to accessories, grinders and much more, are available at guaranteed lowest prices.
Free-Press-Rlease.com: United... - http://www.free-press-release.com
Extreme Vaproziers Review
By rhoadsnroses82
For $300, the vaporizer was offering a digital temp read out, vapor on demand (no fan), vapor WITH fan (3 speeds too), AND bag capability! I know the herbalAire does bags and whip as well, but it doesn't have digital temp read out, ...
Marijuana.com - http://www.marijuana.com
Operating Vaporizers
By admin
Vaporizers have come up as the best solution to this problem as it provides a smoker with the same pleasure as smoking a cigarette but does not harm his body with the smoke. Cigarettes can cause various diseases to our body such has ...
Pug Village of Hope - http://www.pugvillageofhope.com
Crevice Vaporizer To Control Risk Factor
District a day-to-day tobacco user it is not so bad to understand the inopportune private property of ventilation be it cigratte hospital room cannabis. Tho' ganja may not…
Weigh loss, nutrition - http://www.89.letsplay.pl
Purple Days anyone?
By seelos
Anyone out there tried the purple days diffuser/vaporizer? i've heard some pretty good things about it, and was wondering what other people think. I've grown to like my herbalaire, but i like the purple days' purported portability (car ...
Cannabis.com Forums Message Boards... - http://boards.cannabis.com

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Vapor Brothers Hoodie
By Vaporizer Master
Vapor Warehouse is now carrying Vapor Brothers Hoodies. These ultra soft black hoodies are made from American Apparel for Vaporbrothers and have the classic Vapor Brothers logo printed across the chest. Sweat-shop free and perfect for ...
Vaporizer Blog - http://www.vaporwarehouse.com/blog
Crevice Vaporizer To Control Risk Factor
Territory a day-to-day tobacco user it is not so bad to understand the minus private property of external respiration be it cigratte surgery cannabis sativa. Tho' hemp may not…
Weigh loss, nutrition - http://www.62.letsplay.pl
[Cali] Sensi Star Pick-Up [High Res]
By Vaporizer
Strain: Sensi Star Type: Indica High: Very indica but no couch lock Smell: Lemon zest/Fruity Taste: Fruity, fresh taste Price: $65 for 4.5 grams Overall Rating: 7.5 out of 10 Sensi Star Tasty Dank Smells fresh Close Up.
420 Magazine - http://www.420magazine.com/forums
Herbal Vaporizers
By admin
Vaporizers are a better option than the traditional way of smoking as the fumes that are emitted from a vaporizer are not harmful as they do not contain the unburned particles that are contained in normal smoke. ...
OSS Advocacy - http://www.ossadvocacy.org
Vaporizing Medical Cannabis 101
By nynerd
An interesting video about a device called a vaporizer. The vaporizer allows for the consumption of cannabis without any carbon byproduct. The THC is delivered in gas form, instead of smoke, so it is healthier. ...
The New York Nerd - http://nynerd.com

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Digital Vaporizer
By admin
One such device which has been gifted to us by science is a vaporizer. A vaporizer is a device with which a person can fulfill his requirements of smoking and that too without harming his own body. The user of a vaporizer inhales the ...
Travel Blog - http://www.ode-on.com
FRED Vaporizer looks like a spaceship
By TechFever.Net
The FRED is a vaporizer that features two small gallons of reservoir that are meant to boil. It doesn't use any wicks unlike other humidifiers because the boiling process already removes minerals and kills bacteria. ...
TechFever Network | The Hot Tech... - http://techfever.net/
Classic Volcano Vaporizer
By admin
A vaporizer is a great alternative to smoking. Volcano vaporizer is the highest model of all the vaporizers that are available in the market. It has been designed to serve all the purposes of a smoker at one time and that too up to a ...
Artisan Foods Delivered - http://www.artisanfoodsdelivered.com
[Cali] Master Frost Pick-Up
By Vaporizer
Strain: Master Frost [Snow White x Master Kush] Type: Indica/Sativa mix High: Mixed, Stoney yet energetic at first Smell: Pungent, Strong sweet kush aroma Taste: Fruity, very fresh Price: $65 for 4.5 grams Overall Rating: 9 out of 10 ...
420 Magazine - http://www.420magazine.com/forums
Vicks vaporizer- need help cleaning it!
By oliolioli
Does anyone have the manual for this vaporizer (http://www.fgb.com.au/ProductProfile...Vaporiser.html) that they can transcribe the necessary stuff here that will help me clear the mineral deposits that are in it? Thanks, Cherry.
birthtalks ® - http://www.birth.com.au/forum

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Improvement on the Dark Iron Smoking Pipe

Dark Iron Smoking pipes were used in the past and had social and medical implications. In the modern world, World of Warcraft uses them as a token of strength and healing power.

Dark Iron Smoking Pipe
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 70
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 43.
Use: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 155 for 20 sec. (2 Min Cooldown)

RXDIRECT2U.com has the perfect solution to making your world of warcraft experience more enjoyable and limiting the amount of carcinogens you inhale while toking during the game. Check out the safest and best VAPORIZER (Otherwise known as an electric BONG) on the market today.

RXDIRECT2U manufactures and sells the best and healthiest Marijuana and herb VAPORIZER for the Recreational and medical marijuana and herb user.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google News Alert for: vaporizer

Voters consider allowing marijuana to ease pain
MLive.com - MI,USA
Proponents of medical marijuana argue that the adverse health risks of smoking can be avoided by using a vaporizer. It heats the drug to the point where THC ...
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'Take Wayne Easter -- please!'
Ottawa Citizen - Ontario, Canada
"Harper should use a vaporizer because it's good for asthma," he said. Mr. Longley, incidentally, was nominated as his party's candidate in the Montreal ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Aromatherapy :: Electric VAPORIZER as a DIFFUSER
I just ordered this electric VAPORIZER from a website. I guess the thing is designed for use medical marijuana but if you take the jar off it works great as a DIFFUSER. Plus it can be used for medicinal herbs and there is a reduced risk ...
The Mystic Board - http://www.mysticboard.com//
Vaporizers for a Healthy Future
By admin
Vaporizers are like a gift from the god for smoke loving mass. It is like a miracle for them. Trying a vaporizer benefits your health along with helping you economically. It is due to this fact that the vaporizers have been in so much ...
Minute Man Book Club - http://www.minutemanbookclub.com
Vaporizer Degree Accessories
Now vaporizer has become almost necessary for the smokers. The employment and powerfulness of the vaporizer has proven its couturier and nobody wants to ignore…
Weigh loss, nutrition - http://www.89.letsplay.pl
Portable Vaporizer- A Advisable Quaker
A advisable quaker inwards impoverishment is a advisable quaker indeed. This is true of a portable vaporizer. For many conditions a portable vaporizer can be…
Weigh loss, nutrition - http://www.62.letsplay.pl
Digital Vaporizer- A Mythical Pattern
Medical aid of the vaporizer is virtually a limitation inwards the evaporation practical application. The degree of phase change has culminated like anything with the digital vaporizer coming…
Weigh loss, nutrition - http://www.33.letsplay.pl

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google News Alert for: vaporizer

Parties learn why to always vet candidates through YouTube
National Post - Toronto,Ontario,Canada
So it only took a few minutes on YouTube to discover this gem from the inauguration of the Vancouver Seed Bank Vaporizer Lounge with Dana Larson himself ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Avail the maximum benefits of herbal ingredients with volcano ...
By andrew
The vaporizer makes the herb you smoke healthier than when it is burnt. It heats the herb at desired temperature but with low temperature heat and releases most of the active ingredients without developing tar. ...
Yoga Benefits - http://www.yogabenefits.org
Using a Vaporizer was Never so Easy
By admin
The concept of vaporizers is not new to anyone. There are so many different vaporizers available in the market that you would get confused for selecting one. The vaporizers are generally categorized on how they heat up the herb. ...
Kjurek Couture - http://www.kjurekcouture.com
10:00 AM - Vaporizer
By Todd n Tyler
Craig had a GOOD experience this time!
Todd N Tyler Podcasts - http://www.tntradioempire.com/
New Vapor Brothers Mini Whip 5 Pack
By Vaporizer Master
Although you can use the Mini-Thin Whip with both the Vapor Brothers Hands Free and Regular Vaporizers, it will not fit over the Vaporbrothers Hands Free heat element, so you will have to hold it in place. Pick up a 5 pack today! ...
Vaporizer Blog - http://www.vaporwarehouse.com/blog
Biohazard Vaporizer
By Alive-And-Dreaming
I just got my first vape, a basic wood-box style one with a GonG bowl/heater that lights up. It's been customed designed for cannabis use, so it automatically heats up to vaping temputature, and the light turns green when it's ready. ...
Marijuana.com - http://www.marijuana.com

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Google Alert - vaporizer

Google News Alert for: vaporizer

Having the sniffles and living to tell the tale
Canada.com - Don Mills,Ontario,Canada
Dryness often worsens these symptoms, so have a vaporizer working in the bedroom. For sore throats, encourage drinking, have your child gargle and offer ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: vaporizer

Herbal Vaporizer - A Multipurpose Device
By admin
An herbal vaporizer is one such vaporization system that is especially designed to match the taste of the smokers. It is a multi purpose vaporizer to enhance the quality of vaporization. The USP of this model of vaporizer [...]
Medical Health Articles - http://www.rxdirect2u.com
Vaporizer Accessories -Watch it Once
Buying a vaporizer is very easy but keeping it safe is not that much easy. Moreover running it safely is a bit more difficult task. It requires a little bit of knowledge of the instruments and accessories related to the vaporizer. ...
Health Articles from Article Codex - http://www.articlecodex.com/Articles/Health/
Windows Stained by a Vaporizer
How do I get rid of an old stain from a vaporizer on windows?
ThriftyFun.com - http://www.thriftyfun.com/
Digital Vaporizer- A Fabulous Device
By Franchis Adam
Articles - Category Health/Nutrition - http://www.linksnoop.com
Types of vaporizers
By admin
A vaporizer is an electric device that is used to heat up dry herbs to their vaporization temperature so that they emit their active ingredients as aromatic vapors. During the whole process, the herb used is not at all burnt or ...
Travel Blog By Jack & Chet - http://www.jackandchet.com


RXDirect2u.com Announces a New VAPORIZER BLOG

Check out the New VAPORIZER Blog on our website at rxdirect2u.com you can reach the blog directly HERE

It is filled with a vast amount of information on VAPORIZERS and the scientific research behind them and their many healthy benefits.